Favorite Links
My husband has Osteo Genisis Imperfecta...here is a link to a website with more information about it. He has broken over
200 bones in his 50 years of life. His last major break was April 17, 2006. He slipped and landed on his left elbow. X-rays
showed he broke the elbow into several pieces and his upper arm in 2 large pieces and lots of little shards (I think the surgeon
told us about 40-50 total pieces).
This photo is the x-ray showing |

the breaks in his upper arm. |
This is the diagram of the repairs the doctor did |

to my husband's arm. Red lines are the breaks, green is the repairs. |
This is my husband's arm 2 weeks after surgery-- |

the doctor said his elbow was in 8 seperate pieces!! |

This is the link to the Weight Watchers site. I use this link everyday. The site has wonderful information to help with
my journey.
I like this site because I can get free samples.
This site is cool--you can enter your weight and find out how many calories you would burn versus what you eat.